The student news site of Los Altos High School in Los Altos, California

What do you bring to the table? What are your top initiatives?

Sally Meadows, Los Altos Planning Commissioner opened with a statement about her community service and creating unity. Meadows believes that her experience in local government and nonprofits gives her strong strategic planning skills. She is also a supporter of increasing fiscal responsibility.

Lynette Lee Eng, the incumbent, spoke about her previous experience and creating more affordable housing. She believes that having continuity on the Council is important and pointed to her previous term as an example of her capabilities. Lee Eng wants to make sure that there is a conversation within the Council about the City’s budget, as revenue declines due to the coronavirus.

Terri Couture, a longtime Los Altos resident, spoke about preserving the aesthetic and economy of Los Altos. Couture mentioned having many jobs as a young child and believes that early sense of responsibility will help her on the Council. She also expressed interest in creating a contact list, by phone and email, with every resident, so the City can effectively communicate with residents. 

Jonathan Weinberg, the former Parks Commission chair, spoke about fiscal responsibility and social justice. As a lawyer, Weinberg believes he has the skills necessary to be an effective Council member and said his experience on the Parks and Recreation Commission have given him good insight into how the government works. Weinberg is an advocate for reducing the City’s litigation costs.

Scott Spielman, the Parks Commission vice chair, spoke about his problem-solving approach and career experience. He also focused on bringing teamwork and “getting results” to the Council. Spielman is also a big proponent of a more effective agenda and meeting management.

Kuljeet Kalkat, opened by talking about his experience with being the Finance Commission chair and the leadership needs of the City. He sees himself as very analytical and believes his experience as a small business owner will allow him to help businesses through this pandemic. Kalkat believes that to be successful, the Council and commissions must work together as a team. 

Alex Rubashevsky, a Planning Commission member, spoke about increasing property values and Los Altos’ failure to keep up with neighboring cities. As a real estate broker, developer and contractor, Rubashevsky wants to work with homeowners to provide better land use and enjoyment of property. He also wants to remove the subjectivity from the City Council and bring in more money by creating legislation to bring small businesses more customers.

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