The Art of Skincare

By Mia Scher and Sua Kim

Skin care is an industry many across the globe rely on to assure that when they wake up, they can carry on with their life freely without the fear of big pimples, rashes and other blemishes appearing on their face. It’s also an industry that is ever developing and changing, shaping the lifestyles of millions across the globe. If you roam the shelves near the checkout counter at Urban Outfitters, you will find a skin care paradise. With an aesthetic of whites, light pinks, blues and lavender, the simple products make the consumer feel clean and glowing. The section is labeled in big letters both in store and on the website as “Natural + Organic Skin Care.” This title is the epitome of what modern skin care has come to be.

What many do not realize about skin care is the importance of the order in which you apply it. Vogue YouTube videos seem like they go on forever, but if you use a plethora of products, it can be difficult to remember which product you should apply next.