Writer’s Week will begin tomorrow, February 28. Featured writers will be coming to speak to students throughout the day during classes and in the Eagle Theatre.
This year, the school is featuring various types of writers, ranging from journalists to freelancers to fictional authors. Mary Roach, an award-winning writer and author of “Packing for Mars” (shown below), will be speaking at the Eagle Theatre on Wednesday, February 29 at 7 p.m.
Throughout the week, journalists Jose Antonio Vargas and Deepa Fernandes will also be speaking in various English classes. These writers will share stories regarding how they began their writing careers, while giving tips to interested students on how to become a better writer.
The school is also hosting its Tenth Annual Poetry Slam on Thursday, March 1 at 7 p.m. Admission for nonparticipants is $3 at the door. Cash prizes will be awarded to the winners of the competition.
“Writer’s Week gives students a chance to see whether they want to potentially have a career in writing,” sophomore Ellie Nichols said. “It shows the different types of writing and ways to use our language in different ways, too. I think that Writer’s Week is great because it exposes the students to possibilities for their interests.”
This is the school’s 27th year of hosting Writer’s Week. There will be 35 different writers are coming to visit the school throughout the week.