Permit Confusion, Visitor Spots Affect Student Parking

An error in this year’s shipment of parking permits caused them to be printed as bumper stickers instead of windshield adhesives. Because the permits could not be securely attached to the insides of students’ windshields, many have gone missing.

Assistant Principal Christy Dawson said that the school decided to stop using bumper stickers and to begin using windshield adhesives last year because students often needed to change cars midway through the school year. The new permits were more flexible and easier to move from car to car.

“I think they’re much better,” Dawson said.

The order was mixed up, however, and the school received permits that were bumper stickers. By the time the printing company responded to the school’s calls, the permits had already been distributed among the students.

According to Dawson, the school decided not to switch the permits because it would have been a “massive logistical undertaking.” The school would have gad to exchange more than 230 permits.

There have been a few complications as a result, including the disappearance of a few permits.

“I had it taped on the inside of my window, and I came to y car one day after school and noticed it wasn’t there,” junior Sherwin Tavana said.

According to Dawson, the school initially declined to replace his permit because there have been too many incidents where people claimed to have had permits stolen in order to falsely obtain one.

The school will return to sing windshield stickers next year.

In addition to the complications with parking permits, student drivers saw a decrease of available parking spots because of the new addition of visitor parking.

Starting this year, six spots in the student parking lot will be reserved for visitor paring. The district made this change due to a state law that required visitor parking.

Many students have not received the new policy well and find it to be a nuisance. Student drivers feel that the decrease of parking spaces will make getting a spot difficult in the future.

“I think [the new spaces are] kind of a waste of space,” senior Molly McShane said, “[Parking] is not that difficult, but I think that later on in the year, as more juniors start to drive, it’ll become much more difficult.”

Despite the loss of parking spaces, it seems that the new spots have not significantly affected student parking habits.

“I just park anywhere I find an open spot,” Sherwin said. “I haven’t found any trouble so far.”