MVLA Foundation Shoots for $1 Million
The MVLA Education Foundation has set a goal to raise $1 million to, amongst other things, keep freshman English and math class sizes at 20 students, fund the district Tutorial Centers, and cover the cost of PSAT tests and the Naviance system.
On top of raising an extra $150,000 to pay for classroom sets of textbooks, the organization also set up a two-night phone-a-thon. Parent volunteers contacted families who had not yet donated toward general school funds—urging them to make a contribution by Friday, September 30.
FBLA Hosts Officer Adviser Training Day
The school hosted the Bay Section gathering for the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) for the first time on Saturday, September 17.
Through specialized workshops, Officer Adviser Training Day introduced FBLA leaders to topics such as membership, recruiting, fundraising and event organizing. FBLA students also interacted with members from other local schools.
“Lots of officers are new, and this is a good way for them to learn … what it takes to be an officer in the club,” FBLA adviser Derek Miyahara said.