Player: Austin Anaya
Team: Hawhy
The school entered day three of the first round of dodgeball today, continuing with the same energy and spirit that characterized Monday and Tuesday. As usual, a number of teams and players had impressive performances across the board. The standout performance of the day, however, came from senior Austin Anaya of team Hawhy.
Austin displayed a remarkable amount of catching skill throughout his team’s game versus Chunche’s Last Stand, even recovering from getting hit in the foot by kicking it upwards and catching it.
“I was playing fast and just tried to catch everything that came my way,” Austin said. “The most exciting part of today was playing on a team with all my buddies.”
The efforts of Austin and his team of seniors Steven McLean, Jason Spielman, Sean Mcloughlin, Eric Heintzen and Rachel Pinkelman culminated in a 3-0 victory for Hawhy over Chunche’s Last Stand.
“We’re stacked,” Austin said. “I say we’re going all the way to the ship this year.”