Graduation events discussed at Senior Class Council meeting

Elyssa Kennedy

Today at 6 p.m., the Senior Class Council hosted a meeting to introduce the upcoming end-of-year graduation event options. While many traditions will have to adapt to coronavirus precautions, the senior class has made the necessary modifications to be able to commemorate the end of their four years at Los Altos High School.

As the senior class approaches the end of their high school careers, the celebration season is just beginning. Today at 6 p.m., the Senior Class Council hosted a meeting to introduce the upcoming end-of-year graduation event options. While many traditions will have to adapt to coronavirus precautions, the senior class has made the necessary modifications to be able to commemorate the end of their four years at Los Altos High School.

Senior Picnic:
The senior picnic, a long-standing tradition, will remain largely the same. On Thursday, June 3, seniors will take provided transportation to a surprise location to celebrate with a classwide picnic the day before graduation. In order to uphold county regulations, more buses will be provided, with a maximum of 25 students per vehicle rather than the usual 50. Over 180 tickets to the event have already been sold, and as of today, tickets are back on sale on the LAHS web store.

Seniors Under the Stars:
This year’s prom has been changed to a formal, plated dinner called “Seniors Under the Stars.” Taking place outdoors on the newly illuminated LAHS football field, all seniors are invited to celebrate together on Saturday, May 15, for the two- to three-hour event. Tables will be fully decorated with centerpieces, servers will be working at the event and a full-sized screen will be set up to present the senior slideshow and the senior talent performances.

Seniors will choose their group of six table members for “Seniors Under the Stars” via an online app provided ahead of time. As table members are spread out as well as the tables themselves, and dancing will not be permitted, COVID-19 regulations will continue to be enforced. The event will also feature professional photographers and senior “toasts and roasts.”

As there was no Homecoming Top 20 this year, there will be a Prom Top 20, followed by a Top 2. Between Monday, March 29, and Friday, April 2, seniors can self- and peer-nominate for the Top 20; seniors will vote to determine the Top 20 from Monday, April 5, through [Friday, April 9. The Top 20, in groups of four, will make their traditional skits as videos, and there will be a senior-wide vote for the Top 2 from Wednesday, May 7, to Thursday, May 15. On the night of Seniors Under the Stars, the Top 20 Court will be presented, and the Prom Top 2 will be announced.

Senior Sunset:
Senior Sunset has been rescheduled from Friday, April 2, to an undetermined date soon after Spring Break. More details regarding the Senior Sunset are yet to come.

Graduation Ceremony:
The Senior Class Council has put together several options for the graduation ceremony. Seniors will get their second survey regarding graduation options next Wednesday to continue the student feedback before Administration makes the final decision.

From the previous survey in which 411 out of the 533 seniors responded, 45.5 percent voted to have a small number of family/friends present as seniors graduate, dividing into mini graduation groups to fit spectators safely. The remaining majority 54.5 percent voted to have as many seniors together as possible, even if that means no spectators present. Following this input, the Senior Class Council presented the three options to be decided on.

Plan A involves the entire senior class graduating together, where they will be staged in lines on the grass backfield and enter the stadium area in spaced-out, timed lines. All spectators will watch the event remotely, either elsewhere on campus or at home, and seniors will be able to walk across the stage.

Plan B involves two mini-ceremonies, allowing for in-person spectators. This option provides for students to get a maximum of four spectator tickets, but students will not be able to walk across the stage to get their diplomas. They will instead remain seated four to six feet apart and hold their diploma up when their name is called.

Plan C is the only option offsite, breaking the LAHS graduation tradition. Taking place at the San Jose Earthquake Avaya stadium, seniors will get one ceremony all together, and be able to have two to four guest in-person spectators. Seniors will be seated six feet apart and will be able to walk across the stage, which will be broadcasted on the stadium screens for the distanced spectators to see more clearly.

No matter the option that is chosen, there will be an edited video from the livestream footage put together by KMTV linked on the LAHS website for all to watch at a later time. If seniors do not feel comfortable or are unable to attend the graduation ceremony, they will still be included in the edited video. Caps and gowns will be picked up Wednesday, June 2, when seniors will have their rehearsal graduation.

Grad Night:
Following the graduation ceremony, seniors will get their traditional grad night celebration. As of yesterday, it has been decided the event will continue to take place off-campus, following the planning first started last June. Seniors will board the buses, operating at reduced capacity, soon after the graduation ceremony, and the event itself will be 90 percent outdoors with mask mandates enforced at all times. Tickets for grad night can be purchased online for $150.

All COVID-related regulations have been based on country regulation predictions for June, and will be updated as necessary.