Back to School Dance canceled due to COVID-19 concerns

Courtesy Los Altos High School ASB

The Back to School Dance planned for Friday, August 20, put on by the Associated Student Body (ASB) has officially been postponed to an undetermined date. The cancellation was due to an increase in COVID-19 risks in an effort to keep students and faculty safe.

The Back to School Dance, initially planned for this Friday,  August 20, has been postponed due to COVID-19 safety concerns. The potential new date will only be decided once the risks of new COVID-19 variants have been diminished. 

Due to the concern of rising COVID-19 cases, the decision was finalized after discussion between Vice Principal and Associated Student Body (ASB) Advisor Suzanne Woolfolk, other staff, administrators and the ASB class in an attempt to take necessary precautions. 

The initial plan for the dance was to create smaller cohorts divided by grade level, but the idea was not reassuring enough to proceed with the event, according to Woolfolk. 

“Going forward, we’re going to continue to put students’ safety first in regards to school-wide events,” ASB President senior Aida Yezalaleul said. “We will try our best to have the traditional events we know students look forward to, but can’t promise that everything will be exactly as it has been in the past.” 

Despite not having a specific date for rescheduling the dance, ASB is continuing to plan the class-based dress-up events, given the popularity of the Back to School Dance, where each grade is given a theme to dress up as, kickstarting the class spirit  ASB is hoping to uphold. 

There will also be Spirit Fridays every Friday, where students can dress up in school colors. Seniors will have the opportunity to participate in a “Sunny Seniors Spirit Day” this Friday, August 20, wearing sunglasses and school colors. 

Although postponing the dance was frustrating for both ASB and students, the effort to keep Eagle spirit and community activities here at Los Altos High School will not falter in the school year to come, Aida said.

“As of now we are trying to find COVID-friendly alternatives to all of our large events on and off campus,” Aida said. “Whether that be changing the location or the type of activities, or the amount of people allowed, we want to have some sort of version of the events that students have become so familiar with.”