ASB Hosts New Inside Lands Activity

The Inside Lands event was hosted by ASB on May 22. Photo by Ian Mackey.

By Hanna Khosravi

In the wake of this this year’s new addition to the standardized testing curriculum, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Testing (SBAC Testing), ASB has decided to incorporate an interactive and de-stressing activity to the school’s agenda on May 22. During Friday’s extended lunch period, the school will host its first ever Inside Lands lunchtime activity, which has set its sights on giving students some time to let loose after a year of hard work.

The celebration-like lunchtime affair will include numerous lively activities that those in ASB hope will aid in making the campus an all-in-all more inviting and exciting environment.

Their first order of business was finding a way to feed the students.

“We have a collection of different food trucks with a variety of different cuisines so kids can buy food there,” ASB Matriculation Commissioner Sana Khader said.

One of the food trucks at the Inside Lands event.  Photo by Ian Mackey.
One of the food trucks at the Inside Lands event. Photo by Ian Mackey.

The food trucks will come from a San Francisco-based company named “Off the Grid,” which specializes in catering and other community based events. By selecting several from over 200 different trucks, ASB was able to appeal to the tastes of a large array of students.

“We’ve gotten five [food trucks],” ASB Activities Commissioner Meg Enthoven said. “They range from things like tacos to ice cream to burgers, so its a lot of variety [for] kids who want certain things.”

Food trucks, recently popularized and growing annually in their demand, are a very current and in-style addition to what is supposed to be a day dedicated purely to the fun and relaxation of students. ASB has considered the idea of bringing food trucks to the school since the start of the year.

“At the beginning of the year, we had been talking about trying to find ways to decrease student stress on campus and actually Mrs. Satterwhite was the one who came to us with the idea of having food trucks,” Meg said. “We talked about it a lot in ASB with her and with other members of the administration.”

Junior Daniela Gomez runs down an inflatable. Photo by Ian Mackey.
Junior Daniela Gomez runs down an inflatable. Photo by Ian Mackey.

In addition to Friday’s long list of lunchtime dining options, the school will also hold numerous types of inflatable games set up on the back field for everyone to enjoy.

“I think we have about 10 or 12 of [the inflatable games], and they are things like inflatable obstacle courses or basketball in a bounce house, or just a giant slide,” Meg said.

To create an even more jovial atmosphere during the Inside Lands excitement, ASB has packed in one extra supplement which will hopefully tie the occasion together.

“We will have a DJ,” Sana said. “It will be festive!”

Besides all of the fun that is the more obvious goal for the event, there is an underlying seriousness to the issue of de-stressing and student pressure. With the Bay Area catching attention this year for the disconcertingly high number of teen suicides in the area, ASB and the administration wanted to find a way to take action through enjoyment and leisure.

“We decided that… with SBAC and AP testing, this would be a really great way for students to kind of relax after all that has been done,” Meg said. “[It would be great] to just kind of have fun for a day.”