Year(book) in Review
A rich, textured royal blue cover binds the comprehensive record of Los Altos High School 2015-2016, embossed with minimalistic white lowercase letters. A year of happy, hormonal high school experience documented in approximately 300 glossy pages: the yearbook.
This year, the yearbook boasts an impressive 1,200 sales, according to yearbook supervisor Danielle Paige. The book is traditional in its content, witty puns for headlines, and pages of “tilt your head towards me please, that’s it, say cheese!” student portraits, but many changes have been made since last year’s volume.
Most prominently, this year’s yearbook is organized chronologically— each spread highlights one particular week, specified on the sidebar.
Sports and clubs are scattered throughout this year’s book, as opposed to organized in four quarterly sections in last year’s edition, which makes it slightly more difficult to navigate. However, this issue is resolved by the exhaustive index, which contains not only the names of every single Los Altos student in attendance but also clubs, sports, and other activities; all the pages on which the person or activity is referred to or pictured are listed. As long as students utilize the index, the new format’s initial confusion will not be an issue.
The content, featuring primarily student life, clubs, academics, and sports, has not changed much, but the way it is presented has been revamped since last year.
In design, the pages are similar to last year’s book, but subtly more polished in their more cohesive use of color in each spread; all shapes and accented text on any two juxtaposed pages are the same color, giving the pages a more professional feel.
All headlines, including the cover, are in lowercase, a stylistic decision which adds to the simplistic feel of the revised book.
Overall, the yearbook this year has grown more cohesive in content and design.
Six-word stories authored by students scattered throughout the book emphasize the book’s theme of diversity, while also providing humorous and occasionally insightful tidbits amidst the monotonous index or beside the typically uninteresting pages of individual portraits. The yearbook staff has clearly put thought into composition and modern design, with consistent color scheming and varied page compositions.
The new chronological format facilitates glancing through nostalgic moments of the year and when they occurred, while the index’s listing of sports and activities allows readers to find what they’re looking for without trouble.

5'4". Black hair. Actually a lizard. When she think's no one's watching, spends time calling dogs pretty, watches videos about garlic bread in space...