There is Still More to Do, Seniors

A few months away from graduation, most seniors are yearning to SAT’s, community service and their GPA in their pasts. But what to do now? To all the “bored seniors” out there just waiting for college, kill some time by:

Visiting Colleges
Though there may still be a few days before all your acceptance letters are in, it is never too early to visit college campuses.

Take a weekend off from playing video games and go visit a school. Remember to scrutinize as well as admire, so that whatever kind of letter shows up in the mail, one can choose between “I’m going to enjoy living there” and “the people there just scare me.” It’s an important thing to note, one that can’t be simply read over the Internet.

Because the deadline for choosing a college is May 1, spring break is also an especially good time for seniors to take a road trip. Bring a few friends and head down to Southern California, and have a good time relaxing (while doing something vaguely productive).

Don’t Get Sick
Believe it or not, second semester grades still mean something. Many institutions require a submission of final reports. A B here and there is little to fret about, but giving that dream school a transcript of nothing but C’s is far from inspiring.

There are many places to slip up in this case. Not studying for a test, neglecting homework, sleeping in class or defaulting on the Senior Project are all surefire ways to rejection by that dream college with little or no consolation.

Like any disease, senioritis is not only dangerous but also contagious. Spare friends the agony of falling prey to it and destroying the next four years of their lives by either staying healthy or (but preferably not) lying in bed for the next three months.

Who says says seniors can’t have more fun now that college applications are over?

Take pleasure in being able to spend those extra three-and-a-half hours that were wasted on an SAT practice test a year ago. Gather some friends and go see a movie or two. Go paintballing, windsurfing or even fishing.

Intentionally pick Saturdays on which SAT’s are held. Wake up at 7:30 in the morning, arrive at the pond, and sit for three hours at the side of it, bathing in the morning sun’s rays and watching the birds fly by (and with a bit of luck, catch dinner) and take the personal satisfaction that this time at school there is someone else sitting in a classroom sweating profusely and fervently scribbling on a Scantron.