The votes are in: Here are next year’s LSU officers
The Latino Student Union selling food at the Clash of the Classes night rally.
The Latino Student Union (LSU) held officer elections for the 2023–24 school year on Wednesday, May 17. Here are the results:
Jocelyn Gatica Arellano (Incoming junior) will be the LSU president.
Sophia Diaz Lopez (incoming senior) will be the LSU vice president.
Leslie Cesareo (incoming senior) will be the chief of staff.
Lupita Sanchez (incoming junior) will be the LSU secretary.
Karen Hernandez (incoming senior) and Ben Samek (incoming junior) will be the LSU publicity managers.
Brisa Garcia Perez (incoming junior) will be the treasurer.
Yoceolin Rojas and Camila Fonseca Esteves (both incoming juniors) will be the dance choreographers.
Juan Lopez Gonzalez (incoming junior) will be the activities commissioner.