5'4". Black hair. Actually a lizard. When she think's no one's watching, spends time calling dogs pretty, watches videos about garlic bread in space...
March 9, 2016
St. Patrick’s Day is coming up on Thursday, March 17, so The Talon is here to sweeten up your St. Patty’s day with a quick, easy and bright green recipe for matcha green tea latte. You can find matcha powder at your local Ranch 99 or even Trader Joe’s.
1 teaspoon matcha powder
2 teaspoons sugar
3 tablespoons warm water
250/300 mL whole milk
Optional: ice cubes
1. Spoon the matcha powder and sugar into a mug or cup. Add the warm water and mix with a spoon (or a matcha whisk if you have one) until it is a smooth dark green paste.
2. Warm up the milk in a separate pan or use cold milk for an iced latte. Use the spoon (or whisk) to mix the paste and milk together until it is smooth and light green in color.
3. If you’ve chosen to make an iced latte, pour over the ice cubes. If you want to snap a picture for your Instagram, brag to your friends, or are just feeling fancy, add a sprinkle of matcha powder on the top as a garnish.
5'4". Black hair. Actually a lizard. When she think's no one's watching, spends time calling dogs pretty, watches videos about garlic bread in space...