Student Store Reopens, Splits Profits
The ASB-run Student Store has reopened and resumed sales since closing October 16, 2007.
The store had been selling items available in the cafeteria, a type of competitions which is prohibited by state and district law. In a meeting with Talon staff in November, Assistant Principal Cristy Dawson said she closed the Student Store because it was not profitable for the school to remain open without selling restricted items. Several months after the store was closed, Dawson went to Associate Superintendent of Business Services Joe White to request a compromise that would appeal to both sides and lead to the reopening of the Student Store.“Ms. Dawson called Joe White and asked if there was any way to reopen the store if we split the profits with the cafeteria,” Activities Commissioner junior Talea Seyed said. “That way, we both benefit.”
White consented to the proposal, and the store reopened on Monday, January 14, continuing to sell school apparel as well as food items that meet California nutritional content requirements and are also sold by the cafeteria. The store is open at brunch and lunch as well as after school.
Dawson believes that the store’s reopening is beneficial to everyone.
“It’s a real win-win situation,” Dawson said. “[The cafeteria has] increased revenues, we’re supplying labor, and 100 percent of [store’s] profits go to kids.”
White is also in favor of the new concept, and said in an e-mail that it both provides a “site for students to access nutritional food items” as well as creates “an opportunity for the district’s food service program to partner with [Los Altos] ASB.”
Many students find the Student Store to be more convenient that the cafeteria.
“Most people know that it’s much faster to go to the Student Store to get certain items that it is to go to the cafeteria,” Junior Class President Nima Emami said.
Sophomore Zoe Kohl agrees that the cafeteria is advantageous for students who eat on campus.
“In addition to creating diversity in the campus food choices, it has benefits for students because of the funding it provides,” Zoe said.
Though half the money made by the Student Store will go to the cafeteria, the other half provides funding for student activities to be used at ASB’s discretion. The majority of the store’s profits will be used to help those wishing to attend Camp Everytown, although the money made might be allocated to other student needs as well.