The student news site of Los Altos High School in Los Altos, California

The Talon

The student news site of Los Altos High School in Los Altos, California

The Talon

The student news site of Los Altos High School in Los Altos, California

The Talon

Recapping varsity boys golf season

Courtesy Abe Roof
After cherishing a season of new memories and growing team chemistry, the Los Altos High School varsity boys golf team finished its 2024 season tied for third place in the De Anza league.

After cherishing a season of new memories and growing team chemistry, the Los Altos High School varsity boys golf team finished its 2024 season tied for third place in the De Anza league. 

The Eagles got a dominant start to their season with back-to-back victories in their first two matches against Lynbrook High School on March 5 and Palo Alto High School on March 11.

However, when the Eagles rematched the Palo Alto Vikings on March 13 at Baylands Golf Links, the Vikings left the course in victory, 208–202 points. 

“Our team learned never to underestimate our opponents or the golf course,” junior Tyler Erdell said. “Things can change very quickly.” 

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Despite the loss to the Vikings, the Eagles went undefeated in their next five matches, including their final and highlight match against rival Mountain View High School, dominating 225–191. 

Although their standing season finish wasn’t exactly what the team had hoped for because they lost another three matches along the way, players recognized the good in the lessons learned from a challenging season. 

“Although high school matches can be challenging, your first opponent is your mentality,” sophomore Jerry Wang said. “If you don’t have a good mindset throughout the match, you’ve already lost before it starts.” 

Besides practices for working on technique and areas of improvement, the team also scheduled scrimmages as an opportunity to gain a match-like setting during practice hours. In all practices and drills, individual improvement was prioritized. 

“Our coach let us work on the things that we were initially struggling with and let everyone do their own thing,” junior Cole Massey said. “Some people played on the course while others practiced on the range and the putting green. It helped everyone work on their weaknesses and helped us get better.” 

Some highlights for the athletes this season included winning their first tournament and coming runner-up in their second and having a team differential of zero in their match against Los Gatos High School. 

According to Cole and Jerry, the team still commemorates its season as one where its team bond was tightened, making many unforgettable and humorous memories together — and making it a special season for all. 


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