Letter from The Talon’s managing staff
This summer was full of grief, anger and disappointment. As we enter a new year, we’re focusing on making our newsroom more inclusive, but we need your help to make that happen.
Dear Los Altos,
This summer was one of grief for those who died at the hands of COVID-19 and police brutality, anger at the injustices occurring every day and disappointment in the government’s response to protests. Summer may be over, but these topics continue to be at the forefront of our minds and inspire us to reflect on our roles during these times.
The Talon may just be a high school newspaper, but we have a voice in the community. This summer, we have covered protests to raise awareness, written opinions about the state of the world and shone spotlights on advocates for social justice.
But we can’t speak for you, and we can’t write for you.
That’s why we need you to help us share your stories. Help us prompt discussion about race relations, microaggressions and discrimination in our community. These are sometimes difficult topics to discuss, but we are committed to starting these conversations.
While the press has often prided itself in being a platform where people’s voices can be heard, its demographics reflect an imbalance in who, exactly, is being heard: Although people of color consist of almost 40 percent of the United States’ population, they only constitute 13 percent of newsroom employees. White males make up almost half of the industry.
As the next generation of journalists, we are working to reverse these statistics by creating a diverse and inclusive newsroom. We recognize that journalists’ backgrounds shape the way they cover stories, and we hope this diversity can better represent our student body.
We are striving to include more perspectives from cultural clubs and marginalized groups, whether this be through guest writing or being a part of our staff. The Talon is dedicated to providing a voice to everyone — regardless of race, ethnicity, social strata, gender, sexual orientation and any other identities.
If you have a story idea or want to talk to us, reach out on any of our social media (click the icons at the bottom of this newsletter) or at [email protected]. To guest write, visit our website or click on this link.
The Talon is your publication too, so join us.
With warm regards,
Stella Huang, Editor-in-Chief
Navya Singhai, Print Managing Editor
Cedric Chan, Web Managing Editor
Emily Zhu, Media Managing Editor