Holiday Faire Raises Funds With Festive Cheer
This year’s Holiday Faire will be held in the large gym on December 14. The fair will only be open at lunch, as in previous years.
Though ASB is in charge of the event, it is not ASB that chooses which clubs are able to participate. In order to participate in this event, clubs must complete a fundraising form and turn it in to the Attendance office.According to junior Blaire Lee-Nakayama, ASB Clubs Commissioner, the only reason that a request will be denied is if someone is planning to sell something that is already being sold. Also, the requirements to sell have to comply with the rules of the school, such as no guns or alcohol.
The Holiday Faire is a time of year when clubs raise money to support themselves and future activities and to bring holiday cheer to the school.
“I’m looking forward to the food at the Holiday Faire,” Freshman Danny Giacomini said. “I’ve heard it’s really good.”
In previous years, many clubs have participated. Some of the clubs that are participating include KnitTogether, Yearbook, Latin Student Union, Main Street Singers and Gay-Straight Alliance. Usually, the Class Councils also participate in this school event.
For many clubs, the opportunity to raise money is appreciated.
“The Holiday Faire will be our first and biggest fundraiser so far this year,” said co-president of the Hip-Hop Club senior Eric James. “We are planning to sell those pumpkin cookies and Rice Krispy treats.”
The Main Street Singers also come every year to sing holiday songs they have learned for their December concerts.
Besides the sweets and the assortment of homemade gifts, the spirit of the Holiday Faire is what keeps the students coming back. This event allows students to come together and share an unusual experience that other schools cannot offer them.
“The best part for me would definitely be the whole spirit of the day,” Blaire said. “It’s so close to the holidays, and everyone is hyper and ready for school to get out. I think that extra energy just gives it a special something.”