From Terrifying to Terrific, Great Ways to Look Frightening This Halloween
Though Halloween night can be scary, the shopping for it does not have to be. From horrifying to hip, scary to merry, these hot spots are the places to pick up the perfect Halloween costume.
Online Catalogs has a large selection of ensembles that can stur up conversation at spooky Halloween parties. Along with the pirate, ghost and zombie outfits, it carries non-traditional costumes like full-suit whoopee cushions, bowling balls and martini glasses. Frightcatalog’s costumes start at $21 and, depending on size and style, can climb to over $200. For an original costume that doesn’t break the piggy bank, can supply great costumes at low prices.
The site has a vast collection of outfits starting at $12 and rarely surpassing $60. The Tin Man, Fred Flintstone and Nacho Libre suits are just the beginning of this site’s costume medley, so don’t hesitate to explore it all. Its cheaper prices and surplus is a bonus, but it is advised to order costumes as soon as possible. With its nearest warehouse in Port Charlotte, Fla., shipping can take up to two weeks.
Local Costume Stores
Diddams has a diverse selection of costumes, ranging from red-backed lobsters to slot machines. Costume prices start at $36 and can reach anywhere above $200 depending on the detail of the costume. The closest Diddams is located on the corner of Escuela Avenue and El Camino Real.
Also located on El Camino Real is Debbie Lyn’s Costumes. This local store carries an array of costumes that cover many different categories. Some of its categories of outfits are “Decades,” which includes outfits pertaining to any of the decade’s between the 1920s and the 1970s; “Victorian,” which includes can-can, saloon, Mary Poppins and Titanic dresses; and “Celebrities,” which includes anything from Elvis to the Beatles to Marilyn Monroe.
House of Humors claims that “everything is for a laugh.” Located on the corner of Hollenbeck Street and El Camino Real, House of Humors carries a multitude of costumes ranging from Roman Gods to Prom King. (The store’s motto is “Not the prom king? Then dress up as him!”)
Get Creative
Though store-bought costumes are seemingly quick and easy, there are alternatives.
“I’ve made my costumes in the past,” sophomore Sasha Zebb said. “One year I was a Spice Girl and the other I was a gypsy. I got my fabric … at JoAnn’s [Fabrics] and Michael’s [Arts & Crafts].”
According to Sasha, making your own costume can be time consuming, but if you’re committed and can use a sewing machine, it’s worthwhile.
“It’s fun,” Sasha said. “All you do is get the pattern you want and cut the right size and shape. Then use the sewing machine to sew it up.”
However, making a costume doesn’t have to include any sewing. Those who are a little wary of needle and thread can easily make their own costumes without touching a sewing kit.
“I used old clothes … to make my costume,” junior Cheyenne Baker said.
A few years prior, Baker said she used some fabric she already owned and rope to make her Greek Goddess costume for Halloween.
“It was really easy, and I even used some of my own jewelry as part of the costume,” Cheyenne said.
If all hope in the perfect costume fails, still go out trick-or-treating. One thing not to worry about this fall is making a costume fashion mistake. Accordingly, the only faux pas to avoid is not going out with friends and begging at each door.
“If you don’t dress up and go door to door, that’s not cool,” sophomore Jenny Bakos said.