Editorial: Fligor and Bremeau for Los Altos City Council

On Tuesday, November 6, Los Altos residents will vote on the two empty city council seats. The Talon endorses Nancy Bremeau and Neysa Fligor out of the five candidates running for office this election cycle.

This election is extremely important to shaping the city for the next two decades. In just a few years, the city council will design our city’s general plan. The current city council should be commended for their steps in modernizing downtown, but there are still some steps needed put the city on the right track. Of all the qualified candidates running for City Council, 2016 candidate Neysa Fligor and newcomer Nancy Bremeau are best equipped to help push the city towards the vibrant town citizens want.

Photo courtesy Neysa Fligor

Neysa Fligor

After losing in 2016 by only six votes, Fligor continued to demonstrate qualities as a leader in the community. By beginning to campaign far earlier than she had in 2016, Fligor has cultivated  more relationships in the community, accumulating dozens of endorsements from former local mayors and assorted local representatives. As the only attorney candidate, Fligor has the legal expertise to handle disputes and understands complex laws on a far deeper level than any other candidate. Since the last election, Fligor has served on the El Camino Hospital Board and continued to demonstrate her collaborative leadership style in her role on the board. She has also worked to actively support young people, both by helping recruit the first high school student to the Parks and Rec commission, as well as advocating for a new teen space. By bringing her legal experience and her commitment to further modernizing the city, Fligor has demonstrated her dedication to this city and would be a beneficial member to the Los Altos City Council.

Photo courtesy Nancy Bremeau

Nancy Bremeau

As a newcomer to the City Council race, Bremeau has focused on helping young people as one of her key goals in her campaign. After being the co-campaign manager for councilwoman Jan Pepper’s 2016 win, Bremeau has led initiatives in traffic safety around schools by implementing three crosswalks. Yet through all of her work to help make this city better, she has worked hard to always consider the perspective of young people. Unlike any other candidate, she has been a part of longer form discussions with young people and has pledged to help accommodate teens in making downtown more future-focused. Bremeau supports Downtown Visioning in its implementation and she believes that the city can truly help further incentivize people to come to downtown by making it both more affordable and more accessible for all people. Bremeau, along with Fligor, is against Measure C. Above everything else, Bremeau’s enthusiasm and energy for the office is something that Los Altos’ City Council needs, and she would be a welcome addition to council this winter.