Dogs of Los Altos
February 11, 2020
Through a highly selective process of recommendations and interviews, The Talon managed to find a few of the best boys and girls at Los Altos. After three grueling months of research, we are pleased to present you eight dogs belonging to Los Altos’s students and staff members.

Junior Charlie Atkins & Golden Retrievers Bentley and Frankie
Instagram: @atkinsboyz
Describe the boyz.
As the older brother, Bentley is a lot more patient, and he cares a lot for Frankie and looks out for him, so he also barks more. Frankie is more energetic and youthful, and he doesn’t bark as much. He’s full of energy, so Bentley and Frankie are very much opposites.
Do the boyz have any nicknames?
We call Bentley Ben, Benno, BenBen and Benson. We call Frankie Frank. Together you could call them Benjamin Franklin. That wasn’t intentional, but it is pretty funny.
Do the boyz have any naughty habits?
They jump a lot. When my friends come over, they’ll usually walk away with scratches, unfortunately. Occasionally, Frankie sneaks into the house and will eat slippers or something.

Sophomore Serena Gaylord & German Shepherd Border Collie mix Jenny
Jenny has a plethora. The list includes anything with the words Jenny, Puppy, Fluffy—Jenny-Puppy-Fluffy can be a nickname all in itself. There’s also Jenny-bo-benny, Jay-bo-bay, Just-jay, Jay-boo-boo, Jay-fluffy, Fluffy, Foosy, and Puppicus Jennicus. They’re all a combination of Jenny, cute, fluffy, plus an extra ‘y’ here and there.
How did you get Jenny?
Jenny is a rescue, and she grew up in a foster home with her sister. She got adopted by this family that didn’t really take care of her well, and she was named Scout at that time. She went back to the foster parent who named her Jenny, and eventually, we found her at the back of a Petco while looking for chicken food during their dog show offs. She was all the way in the back and we were like, “Oh my gosh. Look at this cute dog!” Jenny just sort of gravitated towards us.

Sophomore Diya Gupta & Doodle of some kind Leia
Instagram: @leiathegoldendoodle
Do you hold birthday parties for her?
Of course we hold birthday parties for her. We come to the back field and throw a little birthday party with treats and cupcakes.
Funny stories?
When we were all out for Thanksgiving, she stayed at one of our friend’s houses. They’re all putting their heads down to say grace and pray, so their eyes are closed and their heads are down, and Miss Leia jumps up on their table and eats all of their ribs. They didn’t realize until they heard the sound of her tail wagging. So we get a phone call and they’re like, “Leia just ate all of our family ribs for Thanksgiving!”

History teacher Kelly Coble & Australian Shepherd Rugby
How did you get Rugby?
I got Rugby from a breeder. It’s the same breeder that my parents got their dog from, so he’s actually the nephew of my parents’ dog. His dad was a show dog, but his mom was a working dog, so he’s kind of in between.
What are some things you do with him?
There’s a whole world of agility training where you go to competitions and regionals, and there’s nationals with different levels. Rugby and I train—we go to a two-hour class once a week, and he needs it because it’s mentally challenging for him. When I leave him at home, I’ll leave hidden things to find, and that will burn him out.

School counselor Ariel Rojas & Dalmatian Terrier mix Rico
Funny stories?
Every time we take him to the Walking Wag in Monterey—it’s a fundraiser for animals for the shelter where he came from—he and all the dogs dress up and walk a mile. Every year we take him he poops in front of everyone. And it’s not just one piece.
Does he have any dog friends?
Yeah, he has a girlfriend. Actually, we call her his girlfriend…but she’s not. She’s a golden retriever named Sasha. Her owner is my wife’s physical fitness trainer.

Senior Katrina Arsky & Australian Labradoodle Kaya
Instagram: @kayameetsworld
Why did you make an Instagram account for Kaya?
She’s just a really cute dog, and she does really weird things all the time, like making random noises and sticking her face in random places. We wanted to document her journey as a dog and just bring other people joy with our hilarious posts of Kaya. It’s also a very nice break from the idea that you have to be perfect on Instagram with your personal account.
What are some things you do with her?
My family likes to travel a lot so we take her with us when we camp or rock climb. When we’re climbing she waits for us at the bottom and gets really nervous. She starts barking, and it’s really cute when she worries about us. She’s gotten really fit from all the hiking, so now she has these huge butt muscles. She also really loves playing in the snow and digging big snow caves. When we get home from our trips, she hibernates for three days to get her energy back.

Junior Margaret Capetz & Australian Shepherd Auggie
Instagram: @auggietheaussie17
How did you get Auggie?
My brother and I have wanted a dog for the longest time. It was a lot of convincing our parents, but since Auggie was so cute, they couldn’t refuse after they saw him. We got him three years ago from a local breeder up in Santa Rosa who has been breeding Aussies since she was 14—she’s around 70-years-old now and breeds show dogs. Actually, one of Auggie’s grandfathers was on a magazine cover, but Auggie’s just a family dog.
Describe him.
I would describe him as a shadow—Aussies are known to be shadows. He’ll follow you everywhere. And, he’s very vocal, playful and always has a smile.