Divya Jakatdar
Divya Jakatdar, Treasurer
What makes you qualified for this position?
Being class president for the last two years has helped me because I see what the classes need. We want to extend what we’re doing to everyone in the school, but obviously that’s not possible when we don’t have enough money. I work with the executive council and I have been doing that for the last two years, so I understand how it works and the whole process.
Why were you attracted to the position?
We have a lot of money that goes into ASB that we get to control, so one of my main goals is trying to allocate more money into the classes. Dances are our biggest fundraisers, but since classes are raising all of that money for themselves, it gets really difficult. Since ASB has this surplus of money, I think putting more money for classes means that the ticket prices will be lowered and that way, we’re increasing the diversity and the outreach of people who are able to attend these events. $35 for a ticket does become excessive.