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The student news site of Los Altos High School in Los Altos, California

The Talon

The student news site of Los Altos High School in Los Altos, California

The Talon

The student news site of Los Altos High School in Los Altos, California

The Talon

The San Antonio and Almond intersection bus stop remains empty due to the recent VTA workers strike, leaving many students at LAHS without transportation.

Ongoing VTA strike leaves students without transportation

By Michelle Jacob, Staff Writer | March 25, 2025

On Monday, March 10, thousands of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) workers went on strike, leaving Los Altos High School students who rely on the buses stranded. The Amalgamated...

Math and English SBAC tests will be held during juniors’ English and Social Studies classes rather than a dedicated testing window in the mornings.

SBAC testing to be held during English and Social Studies periods

By Oscar Johnson, Web Managing Editor | March 24, 2025

Los Altos High School juniors will take the Smarter Balanced Assessment System (SBAC) tests tomorrow, March 25, to Friday, March 28. Unlike previous years — when there were dedicated testing blocks in...

Bringing corridos to campus: How music brought three students together

By Lev Zeiger, Staff Writer | March 21, 2025

The hallways at Los Altos High School fill with hungry students as the bell dismisses them to lunch. But for three kids in the crowd, the break from class means it’s time to transform from pupils to...

Varsity badminton sweeps Santa Clara

Varsity badminton sweeps Santa Clara

By Carolina Yi, Staff Writer | March 20, 2025

Last Thursday, the Los Altos High School varsity badminton team continued their yearly tradition of sweeping the Santa Clara Bruins, beating them 21–9 in the fourth league game of the season.  “Overall,...

Point guard Steph Curry during a game against the Utah Jazz.

Hot Shot: Nobody wants to see the Warriors in the playoffs

By Lev Zeiger, Staff Writer | March 17, 2025

The year is 2022, and the Golden State Warriors just won their seventh NBA Championship. All the Boston Celtics home crowd can do is stare in pain and shock as they watch a fallen dynasty rise from the...

We stand with the undocumented community

We stand with the undocumented community

By The Editorial Board | March 17, 2025

High school is difficult. For many of us, our lives revolve around constant questions. Will we get into our dream school? How should we resolve that fight with a friend? The future can be scary —...

The choir program is set to hold its annual Spring Sing concert on Tuesday, March 18. Students have been preparing since the beginning of this semester.

Choir to hold annual Spring Sing concert

By Anna Roman, Staff Writer | March 15, 2025

While every other concert throughout the year is fully directed by choir teacher Lauren Diez, Choir’s annual Spring Sing — set for next Tuesday, March 18 — is filled with student-led performances...

From left to right: Religious devotees at the Maha Kumbh Mela, map of the earthquakes detected in Greece from January 27 to February 5, and cans of tuna for sale in a store. Photos via creative commons by Arya Joshi, OptimusPrimeBot and Daniel Case.

Column: An overview of February news

By Krystal Zhu, Journalism I | March 13, 2025

Santorini Earthquakes A month after they started, an earthquake storm in Greece is finally waning. The barrage of seismic activity that began in late January was highly unusual and led to a state of emergency...

Team captain senior Raj Virginkar (left) and building lead senior James Doyas (middle) of the LAHS robotics team watch as sophomore Riya Mehrotra (right) drives their robot.

Robotics faces a loss at their first competition of the season

By Michelle Jacob and Manya Sikka | March 13, 2025

From Thursday, February 27 to Monday, March 3, Los Altos High School’s robotics team faced 50 California robotics teams at the Hueneme Port Regional, their first competition of the season. Despite coming...

The current BSU officer team. From left to right, Elena Gutierrez, Amanda Iweka, Ana Asmar, and Max Asmar.

In-Depth: Black Student Union returns to LAHS, continuing club’s rich history

By Oscar Johnson and Sara Lahr | March 13, 2025

BSU’s revival After a multi-year absence, the Los Altos High School Black Student Union (BSU) has returned to campus. Re-established under new leadership, the club hopes to support the Black students...

Sophomore Kai Etkin, senior Hudson Etkin, and their mentor Dr. Ryan Carter present their study at a Stanford AI-education conference.

Etkin Brothers turn curiosity into groundbreaking AI research

By Jisoo Hur, Staff Writer | March 13, 2025

What began as a shared passion for coding and app development turned into a groundbreaking academic milestone for brothers Kai Etkin and Hudson Etkin. The sophomore-senior duo recently published their...

BSU members helping prepare lemonade to hand out during their food fair.

BSU returns with Black History Month celebrations

By Oscar Johnson and Sara Lahr | March 13, 2025

Los Altos High School’s Black Student Union (BSU) hosted their first major event in years: a commemoration of Black History Month. In the last week of February, BSU organized two separate events, building...

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