Eagles basketball is soaring to new heights this year. With a new coach and mindset and younger players, the team has begun the season with a string of victories. With a league record of 7-0, the Eagles are the front runners for the SCVAL El Camino Division Title. This year, the team has found success, not only in their performance alone but also with the creation of the Blue Crew to bolster student support.
The Blue Crew was started this year as an improved version of the Sixth Man Club. Coach Bob McFarlane of the boys basketball team wanted to create this club to help create more attendance for not only basketball games, but for all Eagle sporting events. They have already had an unprecedented effect on the boys basketball games.
“This year we’re making a big effort to get more fans in the stands,” senior basketball captain and leader of Blue Crew Kieran Stolorz said. “One way we want to increase fan presence and noise is with the Blue Crew.”
Blue Crew has helped increase fan attendance at the game and created a much more exciting atmosphere at “The Nest.” The Blue Crew started with a commercial promoting boys basketball and introducing many giveaways and benefits for students who attend the home games.
“Another new addition this year is a halftime giveaway,” Kieran said. “At each home game we are giving away things like blue crew t-shirts, and coupons to local restaurants. All things have made a noticeable difference in attendance.”
The increase in fans has had a huge impact. The Eagles have been in tight games as of late and the new exciting atmosphere helps to heighten the intensity. The long term goal is to increase attendance at all Eagle sporting events and hopefully create an atmosphere that resembles big time colleges and sports teams.
“We hope these half-time events can be an incentive for more people in the community to come and support us at our games,” Kieran said. “We know this will be a process but we hope that one day our home crowd can be something like the Cameron Crazies at Duke, and that our fans can actually have an impact on the game, giving us a true home court advantage.”