A ranking of the Disney princes.
Battle of the beaus: A Disney princes ranking
By Vaishu Sirkay and Kaavya Butaney
With new variants of COVID and finals looming, we decided to cover the topic at the forefront of students’ minds during finals season: Disney princes. After an extensive Disney+ binge (that definitely wasn’t pre-finals procrastination), we’ve landed on our definitive ranking of 10 Disney princes, from worst to best.
10. Prince Florian – Snow White
Let’s review the facts: Prince Florian, allegedly 31 years old at the time of the movie, kissed Snow White, a comatose 14-year-old. With a predatory age gap and complete disregard for consent, Prince Florian has more than earned his spot at the bottom of our ranking....
9. Prince Philip – Sleeping Beauty
What is it with Disney princes and kissing unconscious women? Prince Philip’s true love’s kiss is more creepy than romantic. He only outranks Prince Florian because he is four years older than Aurora’s 16, which is next to nothing in comparison to Snow White and Prince Florian’s 17 but still problematic, given that Aurora’s a minor....
8. Prince Adam – Beauty and the Beast
Adam squeezes in at eighth with at least one count of kidnapping. Even though he has a fantastic house with snappy silverware and a great library, Adam still sucks for his confusing temperament and imprisonment of Belle’s father....
7. Prince Charming – Cinderella
We know nothing about this guy. He has around 15 minutes of screentime, during which he falls in love with a girl during one dance and then immediately loses track of her. Charming is middle-tier solely because he does not commit any crimes other than having the personality of a saltine cracker....
6. Prince Eric – The Little Mermaid
Is it concerning that Prince Eric fell in love with Ariel without ever speaking to her? Absolutely. But with his chill, beachy vibe and heroic save at the end of the movie, it’s not hard to see how he won over King Triton and ultimately got the girl, even if he is painfully superficial....
5. Aladdin – Aladdin
Aladdin was a difficult guy to place because on the one hand, he lies to Jasmine for most of the movie. On the other hand, he’s got a tough hand: monkey for a best friend, no shirt and barely a loaf of bread. So maybe lying to seduce a princess is forgivable after all....
4. Prince Naveen – The Princess and the Frog
Although he’s the first prince on our list with any character development, Naveen falls below the others for his less-than-impressive improvement. He spends most of the movie desperate to return to his life and only seems to change to win over Tiana, which isn’t the greatest motivation. Still, he’s a compelling character with an interesting personality....
3. Li Shang – Mulan
We’ll admit, the casual sexism in “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” doesn’t give Li Shang the greatest start, but as the movie goes on, Shang redeems himself as he learns to see Mulan for who she is, rather than her gender. Plus, he won major bonus points when he rode on horseback across China just to give Mulan her helmet back....
2. Kristoff – Frozen
Okay, we admit, Kristoff is kind of perfect; he’s kind, brave and has a healthy, therapist-approved relationship (thanks CinemaTherapy) with Anna. Unfortunately, this makes Kristoff a little too boring, lacking character traits beyond being a great boyfriend and his only friend being a reindeer, so we had to rank him second....
1. Eugene/Flynn Rider – Tangled
While Flynn Rider doesn’t immediately seem like prince-material, this witty thief with a heart of gold certainly stole our hearts — and Rapunzel’s. Yes, he’s flawed, but that makes him a complex character who grows over the course of the movie and impossible to root against him. Effortlessly charming and a devoted partner, he’s truly the full package (even if he’s a less-than-ideal ...
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