The student news site of Los Altos High School in Los Altos, California

The Talon

The student news site of Los Altos High School in Los Altos, California

The Talon

The student news site of Los Altos High School in Los Altos, California

The Talon

ASB announces new club policies

Oscar Johnson
A photo of ASB’s guide for writing a club constitution.

Los Altos High School’s Associated Student Body (ASB), plans to refine its club policy for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. 

Clubs will be separated into four tiers. Clubs that only meet on campus during school hours, cannot fundraise, spend money, or go on field trips are in tier one. Clubs that meet off campus once or twice a year after school or on the weekends, and spend money are in tier two. Clubs that meet off campus over three times a year and go on overnight trips are in tier three. Clubs that are in their founding year are in tier four. Teachers need to be present for all meetings in all clubs.

The purpose of this new system is to make it clear to members and advisers what they are signing up for. A form will go out to all certificated staff asking them how much time they are able to commit to clubs. There will also be a spreadsheet that students who are trying to create a club can go to to see which certificated staff are available.

“The new system eliminates the scramble of trying to see who is available, and opens students up to more teachers than the ones they have,” incoming ASB adviser Sarah Alvarado said. “For example, if students are part of a tier one club that only meets on campus during school hours, they can easily see what certified staff they can go to.” 

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“This system really helps get rid of any confusion, so it is clear that clubs and advisers really understand the amount of commitment they are signing up for,” ASB president senior Lauren Holm said.

Although clubs can rank themselves in the fall, ASB has implemented a pre-chartering policy, where clubs can complete the necessary paperwork in the spring, so they are ready to submit it when the school year begins.

“This really helps ASB out because we can approve clubs earlier on, instead of getting swarmed with forms all at once,” said Lauren. “The tiered system and pre chartering is something other schools do and has worked great for them, so we think this is going to really help keep everything organized.”

Another change to be implemented next is limiting the amount of money which can roll over to the next year, to comply with California state laws regarding finance and student activities. Only 20 percent of the money fundraised can be used the following year. Any excess money will go back to ASB for them to use to support all clubs on campus. 

“Twenty percent rolls over because it is required by the state, but also because if a person is in a club for four years and graduates without spending the money, it is not fair if a year or two later the club uses all that money that the students worked hard for the fundraise,” said Lauren. “We want current students to enjoy something with the money they worked for. We don’t want clubs to stockpile and do something big every six years.”

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Sahana Srinivasan
Sahana Srinivasan, Staff Writer
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