The student news site of Los Altos High School in Los Altos, California

Admins express their full support

May 1, 2021

Even though both LAHS and MVHS admins have experienced similar feelings of disappointment akin to their classmates, running the accounts has helped them refocus on their pages’ guiding message: Rejections are not everything.

“They don’t matter,” the MVHS admin said. “They don’t define you. You’re going to forget about them. It doesn’t mean anything about you, your intelligence, your worth or how hard you worked.”

The LAHS admin echoed their sentiments and emphasized that rejections can instead be viewed as “redirections.”

“I know that seniors have heard it a million times, but I really think that you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be,” she said. “You’ll always end up where you’re meant to be.”

As the 2021 college decision season has come to a close, both accounts have stopped posting, but they hope that their pages will leave a positive impact on students as they finish high school and continue their journey wherever it takes them.

Since today is National Decision Day, both accounts wish for the best for all the soon-to-be high school graduates.

“I hope you go wherever you think you’d be happiest,” the MVHS admin said. “No matter where you end up, I’m confident you have an incredible future ahead of you.”

“Congratulations to everyone on making it through this tough year, and I would like to [remind you] that you’re more than an acceptance or rejection,” the LAHS admin said.

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