Los Altos High School’s newspaper, The Talon, is both student-run and student-produced. As a forum for student expression, it strives to represent the student body’s interests while communicating relevant and interesting information. All students are encouraged to voice their opinions and perspectives through The Talon. Typically 20 pages in length, the paper is distributed free of charge to Los Altos students and staff. Outside individuals may purchase a year’s subscription for $25. Eight regular issues are published each school year.
This year’s staff consists of 47 students. New staff members are accepted through an application process each spring.
Subscription and advertisement inquiries may be directed to the Business Managers, Kelsey Mulcahy and Doug Sangster, at [email protected]. Letters to the editor are welcome and should be sent to [email protected].
Editor-in-Chief: Julia Duperrault
Managing Editors: Stephanie Baer, Katherine Robertson
News Editor: Shefali Luthra
Opinions Editor: Ava Foudeh
Features Editor: Sahil Luthra
In-Depth Editor: Kristen Lee
Entertainment Editor: Scott Stephens
Sports Editor: Kate Keenan
Photography Editor: Charlie Falconer
Information Editor: Sandra Song
Content Editors: Courtney Moulds, Nicole Schreiber
Copy Editors: Brian Walz, Kelly Wang
Business Managers: Kelsey Mulcahy, Doug Sangster
Senior Writers: Nadya Agrawal, Ancy Dow
Staff Writers: Daniel Anderson, Danny Auerbach, Michael Cramer, Michael Drake, Jamie Eng, Jason Hu, Carolyn Huang, Justin Koehler, Mark Levin, Jessica Lukrich, Michelle Madani, Kalyn Nakano, Trisha Nangia, Gilbert Orozco, Zia Rosenzweig, Kimberly Shannon, Daniel Son-Bell, Katelyn Stangl, Udaya Tenneti, Max Wiederholt
Photographers: Nadya Agrawal, Danny Auerbach, Greg Dwulet, Kelsey Mulcahy, Kelly Simon
Graphic Artists: Mirella Espinoza, Austin Hofschield, Sae Lome Lee
Spanish Translator: Mayra Ochoa
Webmasters: Joshua Moller-Mara, Kalyn Nakano
Faculty Adviser: Michael Moul