In the wake of increasing ICE raids and the demonization of undocumented communities, The Talon is publishing a series of interviews with students who are either undocumented themselves or have family members who are. Megan is a pseudonym and has no connection to the student’s real identity. If you have a similar story that you would like to share, please fill out the form here.
Shannon: What is your personal and family background?
Megan: My parents both immigrated here a little over 20 years ago. They had my brother a year after they came, and he’s about to be 22. And then me. I have a half-sister on my dad’s side and she was born in Mexico, but she has DACA, so she’s here in the U.S. as well.
Shannon: How did your parents immigrate to the U.S.?
Megan: I’m a citizen and my brother’s a citizen. I don’t know the exact details, but from what they told me, they went on a train and walked over the border. Obviously, 20 years ago, it wasn’t as secure as it is now. Then they went days just hiding in bushes and just in nature. My mom almost died getting here because they hopped on cargo trains, and she almost got run over because she got stuck on a track. Someone pulled her out.
They went a lot of days without food and water, and ended up in Washington because my dad had family there who immigrated before.
Shannon: With the recent developments in immigration policies and ongoing ICE raids, what have been your biggest reactions?
Megan: My biggest reaction is mostly disappointment and anger. It’s really upsetting that the government can just separate families like that. There’s definitely an immigration issue in the U.S., but I don’t think this is the way they should be solving that issue — there are better ways. When Trump was first elected in 2016, it was a similar situation.
I was in fourth grade, but I remember that the campaign started when I was in third grade. I remember being in class with my Hispanic friends. The classroom was full of little rows, and I was sitting in the second row. I went to a pretty white elementary school, so there were only a couple of Hispanic kids. But we were really scared about ICE coming. There was a conversation between us like, “Don’t go to Walmart, ICE is waiting outside of Walmart for you.”
And you’re a small kid, so you don’t know what rumors are true. So it’s a feeling that stays with you.
Shannon: How does that same feeling stay with you today?
Megan: The reason that the disappointment is still here is because I’m 8 years older, and it’s still the same thing going on in the world. There’s always that fear, whether there are raids going on or not. There’s always a fear of your parents going to get taken by ICE because ICE is still going around the country. It’s just more prominent now.
Shannon: And how often do you think about this fear?
Megan: Honestly, it’s daily. It may be even hourly. It’s extremely common for me. I’m not sure if that’s the same for other people, but I’m really big on social change and advocacy, so not only am I worried for my parents all the time, but I have so many friends that are going through similar situations as me.
Whenever I’m out with my parents, I’m checking the cars around me to make sure that it’s not ICE. I have a passport card in my wallet that I carry around, just in case, because people get pulled over for what they look like.
Whenever my parents go out, whether on a date or shopping like any normal family does, I am constantly worried because I’m not sure if they’ll come back. So it’s definitely a worry every day.
Shannon: And how have your fears evolved since you were a third grader?
Megan: It’s obviously still very frightening. I think back to my 8, 9-year-old self and I don’t know what I would have done if my parents were taken from me then. I just don’t understand how someone can do that to families.
Shannon: How do these fears affect your daily life?
Megan: It’s just the constant worry. It’s whenever my parents are driving, whenever I’m with them, and especially when I’m not with them. Because I think it’d be worse if they got taken when I was not there in their presence. Whenever I’m biking, sometimes I’m thinking, “Oh, what if I get pulled over by ICE, what would I do in this situation?
I’m very fortunate to live in a blue area. I think a lot of people here are really understanding of people who are being affected by the raids. A lot of other people, as you see on social media, might think of immigrants as the worst people alive. But, thankfully in this area, most people are pretty supportive.
Shannon: And to the people who have these mixed feelings regarding immigrants, what do you wish they understood about your life?
Megan: I wish they understood that immigrants come here for a better life. My grandpa was shot dead when my dad was around five. He lived in an area that now is taken over by drug cartels.
A lot of people here, who were in Mexico, immigrated to the U.S. for a better life. They have more opportunities here. I want them to know that my parents, and a lot of other immigrant parents, are extremely hard-working and they are humans as well.
They’re just trying to do what’s best for themselves and for their family. I’m very grateful for my parents because they’ve given me so many opportunities by moving here. I want to put in my best effort for school and academics, because I know that’s my only option if I want to have a good life and pay them back for all their sacrifices.
When I was in elementary school, around the 2016 election, my mom and I were crossing a street near the Chipotle and McDonald’s at El Camino.
We were crossing that street, and there was this girl. She yelled at us, saying “Go back to where you came from.” Even in this area, I’ve still experienced those things.
Shannon: And what would you say to people who might share a mindset like hers?
Megan: I’m proud of my parents. I’m proud of being the daughter of immigrant parents, and it’s not something that I’m going to hide. I’m definitely not ashamed of it. I’ve gotten here because of them — because they came here. I’m going to be really proud of it, and I’m sure going to remember it in the future.
Shannon: For those unfamiliar with the struggles of undocumented immigrants, what is the most important thing they should know?
Megan: I’d tell them that there are more people in this school who are affected by the raids than they think there are. Just because we live in a very blue area, it doesn’t mean that we are less affected than someone who lives in an area that’s less fortunate than us.